How can Manufacturers make more Profit Going Digital?

OGEN Infosystem (P) Limited
3 min readMar 6, 2023


Whether you own a small manufacturing business or you are the owner of big venture, two important questions that come to your mind — How much can you sell your product for and how much profit you are going to make by selling it.

Profit is important to anyone who’s business in business. It is important because profit is the main aim and driving force of every business –whether it is big or small. Those business entities that make profit stay open and those that do not eventually shut down. A business without profit will neither grow not survive and eventually will face closure.

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In the digital era where people are moving online for every piece of information, a digital presence can help small manufacturers open up new avenues leading to a newer and larger customer base and increased sales.

So, getting an online presence and ensuring your ecommerce business is up and running is not a cakewalk affair. The best option for the manufacturers to have online presence is to build a website, set up social media presence, get an ecommerce store, connect with customers online, and target customers in other states or out of India and so on.

Why Manufacturers need to take their business online in order to make Profits?

1. Use the Online Presence to be Found: Umpteen numbers of manufactures are increasing their leads, sales and profits by getting an online presence. In today’s world of smart phones, customers use their phones to search for the product they want. An online website and a top ranking on Google search ensure that the buyer finds the manufacturer and considers their offerings first ahead of their competitors. Whether or not sales are made for the first time, chances are that you have hooked a customer. Also, more and more B2B buyers are turning to business listing platforms and online solutions to fulfil their sourcing needs. Having a website and well-managed social media marketing can ensure that your digital channels acts as a part of your sales strategy.

2. Learn the exact Needs of your Customers: Owners of small manufacturing business have no need to go and source products. They are making them in their factories and units. Manufacturers know what the product costs, and they also try different price points to see what works best for their customers. However, your product may be the best but if the customers feel they do not want it or believe they do not need it, they will not buy your product. Also, you cannot persuade your customers if you do not know what they really want. Sales and marketing efforts are effective if you know your target audience well. Going digital will help you know your target audience well and provide what they need so that they keep coming back for more.

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3. Reach out to the Customers Online: Online platforms empower the manufacturers with the tools that can help them in identifying the people that visit online. Manufacturers can easily track them throughout their buying journey and engage them with more meaningful content and outreach calls. Manufacturers can sign up for analytical services that provide continuous data that you can use to enhance sales. These include names and companies browsing your products and services. It makes it easy for the manufacturers marketing sales team to connect with them and help them take their buying decisions. Manufacturers need to maintain a regular communication with their target audience using regular email communications, email newsletters, welcome emails and re-engagement emails. All these help nurture customer relationships. It is equally important to focus on the main social media channels for businesses- Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. By posting frequent, relevant content customized to each channel’s audience, manufacturer can engage with customers on a personal level.

4. Get Online Traffic and Physical sales Work Together: In B2B world, it may seem that an online presence and ecommerce do not work as customers buying offline. A good online presence can help create a long-term professional relationship and be used to bring ecommerce and traditional sales together. Both in fact help the other grow. Today customers are more technologically advanced than ever before and this is changing the way buying and selling is done. Link between high traffic and high sales exists in online store just like physical store.

Wrap up

With digital presence, your prospects can find you in many ways. Web presence works best to get more leads and grow your sales and profits. Are you one of the manufacturing businesses looking to get new leads and increase sales? Hire a good website design firm today!



OGEN Infosystem (P) Limited

OGEN Infosystem is expertise in robust and multi-functional website development following agile development process and ensuring user-friendly