What is Digital Transformation and Why it is Important for all the Businesses?

OGEN Infosystem (P) Limited
3 min readJul 24, 2022


Transformation is change and change is constant. Similarly in the digital era, digital transformation is not just a buzzword. It has become a key topic for many business entities all across the world. But what is digital transformation actually is?

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And why is it so important for progressive businesses?

The term digital transformation can mean many things for different businesses. Organizations that want to start their digital transformation journey should have a robust understanding of digital transformation concepts and approaches. It will help them make a positive impact on their business performance.

What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation or DT means incorporating technology to optimize the ways of doing your business to drive growth in the new and existing markets.

Benefits of digital transformation and why it is important for all the businesses

1. Transforming customer experience: The soul of digital is customer experience. Many companies are increasingly aware of this with many of them incorporating cutting edge digital transformation strategies to enhance the customer experience.

2. More data-based insights: When company goes digital, they can track the metrics and analyze the data that you capture during your digital marketing efforts. Using data-driven insights the businesses can easily understand their customers better and also rethink business strategies, helping with better decision making, paving ways to a higher ROI.

3. Greater collaboration across departments: Digital transformation offers a great opportunity for unity throughout the organization as leaders build it on digital congruence. When you find everyone aligned to a common purpose, you will find a smooth and seamless transition.

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4. Improved agility and innovation: With the digital transformation, businesses grow fuelled with innovation. When it comes to DT many companies rank agility among the top considerations.

5. Enhanced data collection: Most organizations gather leap of data about their customers but the true benefit comes from analyzing that data to drive their company ahead. DT creates a method for acquiring the relevant data and properly integrating it for higher level business insight. It also establishes a technique for various organizational function units to convert raw data into insights across multiple touch points.

6. Greater resource management: Information and resources are consolidated into a set of business tools through digital transformation. DT ropes in company’s resources into a single corporate intelligence repository. It affects every aspect of the company and can result in the process innovation and efficiency across all the departments.

7. Boost the digital culture: Digital transformation supports digital culture by giving team members the required tools adapted to their needs. These tools make the collaboration simple they also help in the digital transformation of the entire organization. This digital culture will become very important in future.

8. Enhance the productivity: Having a proper IT tools that operate together can help one enhance productivity and optimize the workflow. It allows the team members to work more efficiently by automating many complex procedures and connecting data across the firm.

9. Help stay ahead of competition: Businesses are able to lead, thanks to the shift in technology and capability that was not there a few years ago. If they do not align with this shift, they are definitely going to stay behind their competitors for if they do not adopt DT someone else will and succeed in the race.

10. Make decision faster: Businesses take the benefit of big data by putting data and analytics at the centre of their DT strategy. Because of IoT, businesses insights with accurate combination of analytical tools, allowing organizations to make faster and better business decisions.

Wrap up

Digital transformation has accelerated from being the talk of the hour to the need of the hour. It has managed to rapidly change the business scenario and also has disrupted the conventional way of doing the business.



OGEN Infosystem (P) Limited

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